Eyes are an amazing physical structure, comprised of several natural components that produce vision. Any part of the eye may have a developing problem or condition, and a comprehensive eye exam can isolate the problem, so it can be treated correctly. Dr. Nemi focuses on quality for his patients so it's important to him to perform the best eye exams in Atlanta.
A Thorough Eye Exam Can Identify Eye and Vision Problems.
A comprehensive eye exam at Lotus Vision may involve several important vision and eye health tests:
Initial consultation and interview
Basic questions about your medical history and eye health will be asked, along with your family history of eye diseases or conditions, a review of the medications your take, and questions about high blood pressure, diabetes, and other health problems.
Vision history
We want to discuss any vision changes you have noticed and how long they have been present.
Pupil inspection
Your pupils should be equal in size and shape. The reaction to light and perception of objects at various distances will be evaluated.
Eye muscle motility
Your eye movement will be evaluated in the cardinal directions of gaze as well as your ability to track a moving object.
Visual field (measures peripheral vision)
Your visual field is tested by covering one eye at a time to evaluate the current state of your peripheral vision.
Visual acuity
These familiar tests involve the “Snellen chart.” Lines of random block letters of different sizes are used to test your ability to see detail at a specific distance. This test reveals your visual acuity by the smallest line of letters you can discern.
Intraocular eye pressure test (tonometry)
Internal eye pressure (intraocular pressure), when high, can indicate the presence of glaucoma. The intraocular pressure of your eye is measured with painless, brief contact with the cornea (applanation) to determine how well it responds to outer pressure.
External examination
The outer visible parts of the eye and the surrounding tissue will be inspected as part of a comprehensive eye care exam to look for conditions or abnormalities.
With conventional refraction using a phoropter (a device that contains lenses of different powers), information you give the eye doctor is very subjective, based more on what you think you see instead of what you actually see. However, a wavefront measurement is objective, because vision errors can be identified automatically by the way light waves travel through the eye. Wavefront technology measures the wavefront of light reflected from the retina and the refractive power with various sensors divided by sectors and analyzes them with extreme precision. Dr. Nemi offers the latest in refraction technology, incorporating a wavefront analysis algorithm that goes beyond general refraction to conclude highly accurate and reliable cornea refractive power and index. Dr. Nemi has the ability to subjectively fine tune these measurements according to an individual's preferences to obtain the best visual acuity.
Evaluation of inner eye structure (ophthalmoscopy)
This part of your eye exam in Atlanta involves a slit lamp microscope and indirect ophthalmoscope to provide a three-dimensional view of the inner eye, including the cornea, lens, optic nerve, and retina. This test can identify and diagnose dry eyes, cataracts and monitor the onset and progression of glaucoma or diabetes-related eye issues, and diagnose retina conditions.
Ultra-Widefield Imaging
Ultra-widefield (UWF™) retinal imaging enables eye specialists to discover, diagnose, document and treat ocular pathology that may first present in the periphery - pathology which may go undetected using traditional examination techniques and equipment. Our UWF, high-resolution retinal imaging device captures more than 80% or 200˚ of the retina in less than ½ second. Lotus Vision is one of the only clinics in Georgia to offer to its patients the only ultra-widefield retinal imaging device with integrated optical coherence tomography (OCT), providing cross-sectional 40° views of retinal structures.
Comprehensive Eye Care for Seniors
Seniors should have a comprehensive eye exam every year – this is the period of time in which many eye conditions develop and require effective treatment. If you suffer from diabetes, a comprehensive eye exam should be performed every year. If you already suffer from an eye condition or disease, more frequent exams are needed to monitor eye health and the progress of treatment.

Vision Evaluation vs. a Comprehensive Eye Exam
Evaluating vision is a simple, short exam to identify vision problems. Vision screenings allow you to get the proper prescription for glasses or contacts – but does not diagnose a range of eye conditions, as occurs when you have a comprehensive eye exam in Atlanta. As part of taking care of your body – and your eyes are extremely important – we urge you to schedule a comprehensive eye exam at Lotus Vision. We offer a full range of tests that could be vital in identifying an eye condition or disease that requires immediate treatment.
Vision changes? Find out why with a comprehensive eye care exam performed by our skilled ophthalmologist.